Artistic Approach
At a young age, Diane realises that colors and shapes allow her to express her own universe. During her studies in communication, she discovers watercolors and it is love at first sight. Her fascination with watercolor has a lot to do with the demanding aspect of this medium. This great challenge requires a large amount of energy. She used that same energy to create special moments, which then translate into the visual universe that is hers. Self-taught, Diane has developed her own techniques on different media over time.
"Painting for me is an act that comes from within, from my soul; and my work is the result. To give life to an idea or a subject through water and color fascinates me. I am first and foremost passionate about the medium that is watercolor and it is through this art that I have discovered the world of creation. I love life, human beings and nature... the untouched landscape and its scent, its mountains, its birds. They fascinate me; I try to capture their movements, their lightness and even express their freedom."
Diane surprises with her audacity and how she creates her paintings in a beautifully bold way. Her ability to simplify is a condition sine qua non that allows her to draw her energy from this vital need to communicate. The resulting satisfaction to paint more freely and therefore to able to use her intuition productively.
Treating a theme with great simplicity requires a thorough knowledge of the subject. Working on the design allows her to soak up the subject and the atmosphere. The sensory experience provided by nature feeds her need for introspection. Diane has developed an ability to internalize the subject and then to externalize it by giving it a whole new emotion. She uses quite naturally these achievements and always offers her art in a unique and refreshing way.
Signatory member of the Canadian Society of Watercolor and of the Institute of Figurative Arts, Diane has received numerous awards including the Audience Award and the S.C.A. award on several occasions. Her numerous exhibitions have brought her to Belgium, Japan and France, where she conducted a public demonstration at the Conservatory of Reims in 2008.""""